Top 100 Linux commands.

Top 100 Linux Commands

1. **pwd**  

   Explanation: Displays the current working directory.  

   Example: Running `pwd` in the terminal would show the absolute path of the current directory, such as `/home/user/documents`.

2. **cd**  

   Explanation: Changes the current working directory.  

   Example: Running `cd /home/user/documents` would change the directory to `/home/user/documents`.

3. **cd ..**  

   Explanation: Moves up one level in the directory hierarchy.  

   Example: Running `cd ..` in `/home/user/documents` would move to the `/home/user` directory.

4. **ls**  

   Explanation: Lists the files and directories in the current directory.  

   Example: Running `ls` would display the files and directories in the current directory.

5. **ls -la**  

   Explanation: Lists detailed information about files and directories, including hidden files.  

   Example: Running `ls -la` would display a detailed list of files and directories, including hidden files, in the current directory.

6. **mkdir**  

   Explanation: Creates a new directory.  

   Example: Running `mkdir new_folder` would create a new directory named `new_folder` in the current directory.

7. **rmdir**  

   Explanation: Removes an empty directory.  

   Example: Running `rmdir empty_folder` would remove the directory named `empty_folder` if it is empty.

8. **man**  

   Explanation: Displays the manual pages for a specified command.  

   Example: Running `man ls` would show the manual pages with detailed information about the `ls` command.

9. **echo**  

   Explanation: Displays text or variables as output.  

   Example: Running `echo "Hello, world!"` would output `Hello, world!` in the terminal.

10. **>**  

    Explanation: Redirects the output of a command to a file and overwrites the file if it already exists.  

    Example: Running `echo "Hello" > greeting.txt` would write the text `Hello` to a file named `greeting.txt` or overwrite the file if it exists.

11. **>>**  

    Explanation: Redirects the output of a command and appends it to a file.  

    Example: Running `echo "World!" >> greeting.txt` would append the text `World!` to the end of the `greeting.txt` file.

12. **rm**  

    Explanation: Deletes files or directories.  

    Example: Running `rm file.txt` would delete the file named `file.txt` from the current directory.

13. **mv**  

    Explanation: Moves or renames files and directories.  

    Example: Running `mv file.txt new_directory/file_renamed.txt` would move the file `file.txt` to the `new_directory` and rename it as `file_renamed.txt`.

14. **cp**  

    Explanation: Copies files and directories.  

    Example: Running `cp file.txt backup/file_copy.txt` would create a copy of `file.txt` named `file_copy.txt` in the `backup` directory.

15. **locate**  

    Explanation: Searches for files and directories in a prebuilt database.  

    Example: Running `locate myfile.txt` would search for the file named `myfile.txt` in the prebuilt database and display its path if found.

16. **updatedb**  

    Explanation: Updates the database used by the locate command to reflect recent changes in the file system.  

    Example: Running `updatedb` would update the database, allowing the locate command to provide up-to-date search results.

17. **passwd**  

    Explanation: Allows a user to change their password.  

    Example: Running `passwd` would prompt the user to enter their current password and then set a new password.

18. **cat**  

    Explanation: Displays the contents of a file.  

    Example: Running `cat file.txt` shows the contents of `file.txt`.

19. **touch**  

    Explanation: Creates a new empty file.  

    Example: Running `touch newfile.txt` creates an empty file named `newfile.txt`.

20. **chmod**  

    Explanation: Changes file permissions.  

    Example: Running `chmod 755` sets read, write, and execute permissions for the owner and read and execute for group and others.

21. **chown**  

    Explanation: Changes the owner and group of a file.  

    Example: Running `chown alice:users file.txt` changes the ownership of `file.txt` to user `alice` and group `users`.

22. **tar -cvf**  

    Explanation: Creates a tar archive of a directory.  

    Example: Running `tar -cvf archive.tar directory/` creates an archive named `archive.tar` containing the contents of `directory`.

23. **tar -xvf**  

    Explanation: Extracts a tar archive.  

    Example: Running `tar -xvf archive.tar` extracts the contents of `archive.tar`.

24. **gzip**  

    Explanation: Compresses a file using gzip.  

    Example: Running `gzip file.txt` creates `file.txt.gz` and deletes the original file.

25. **gunzip**  

    Explanation: Decompresses a gzip-compressed file.  

    Example: Running `gunzip file.txt.gz` restores `file.txt` from the compressed file.

26. **df -h**  

    Explanation: Displays disk space usage in a human-readable format.  

    Example: Running `df -h` shows available and used space for mounted filesystems.

27. **free -m**  

    Explanation: Displays memory usage.  

    Example: Running `free -m` shows memory usage in megabytes.

28. **top**  

    Explanation: Displays real-time system processes and resource usage.  

    Example: Running `top` opens an interactive display of system processes.

29. **htop**  

    Explanation: An enhanced version of top with a more user-friendly interface.  

    Example: Running `htop` displays processes and allows easy navigation.

30. **ps aux**  

    Explanation: Displays a snapshot of all running processes.  

    Example: Running `ps aux` shows detailed information about all active processes.

31. **kill**  

    Explanation: Terminates a process using its Process ID (PID).  

    Example: Running `kill 1234` sends a termination signal to the process with PID 1234.

32. **killall**  

    Explanation: Terminates all processes with the specified name.  

    Example: Running `killall firefox` closes all instances of Firefox.

33. **df -T**  

    Explanation: Displays filesystem types along with disk usage.  

    Example: Running `df -T` provides information about the type of each filesystem.

34. **uptime**  

    Explanation: Shows how long the system has been running.  

    Example: Running `uptime` displays the system uptime, number of users, and load averages.

35. **whoami**  

    Explanation: Displays the current user’s username.  

    Example: Running `whoami` shows the username of the current logged-in user.

36. **hostnamectl**  

    Explanation: Displays and modifies the system hostname.  

    Example: Running `hostnamectl` shows the current hostname and other related settings.

37. **nslookup**  

    Explanation: Queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.  

    Example: Running `nslookup` retrieves the IP addresses for Google.

38. **ifconfig**  

    Explanation: Displays network interface configuration.  

    Example: Running `ifconfig` shows details about all network interfaces.

39. **ip addr**  

    Explanation: Displays IP addresses and network interfaces.  

    Example: Running `ip addr` provides detailed information about IP addresses associated with network interfaces.

40. **route -n**  

    Explanation: Displays the routing table.  

    Example: Running `route -n` shows the current routing table without resolving hostnames.

41. **iptables -L**  

    Explanation: Lists current iptables rules.  

    Example: Running `sudo iptables -L` displays active firewall rules.

42. **wget**  

    Explanation: Downloads files from the web.  

    Example: Running `wget` downloads the specified file.

43. **curl -I**  

    Explanation: Fetches HTTP headers from a URL.  

    Example: Running `curl -I` retrieves and displays the HTTP headers.

44. **ln -s**  

    Explanation: Creates a symbolic link.  

    Example: Running `ln -s /path/to/file link_name` creates a symlink to the specified file.

45. **diff -u**  

    Explanation: Compares files with unified output.  

    Example: Running `diff -u file1.txt file2.txt` shows differences between the two files in a unified format.

46. **history**  

    Explanation: Displays the command history.  

    Example: Running `history` shows a list of previously executed commands.

47. **alias**  

    Explanation: Creates a shortcut for a command.  

    Example: Running `alias ll='ls -la'` creates an alias `ll` for `ls -la`.

48. **unalias**  

    Explanation: Removes an alias.  

    Example: Running `unalias ll` removes the alias `ll`.

49. **locate filename**  

    Explanation: Quickly finds the location of files.  

    Example: Running `locate file.txt` searches for `file.txt` in the file database.

50. **grep**  


 Explanation: Searches for patterns in files.  

    Example: Running `grep 'text' file.txt` searches for the word `text` in `file.txt`.

51. **find**  

    Explanation: Searches for files and directories.  

    Example: Running `find /home/user -name '*.txt'` finds all `.txt` files in the specified directory.

52. **wc -l**  

    Explanation: Counts lines in a file.  

    Example: Running `wc -l file.txt` returns the number of lines in `file.txt`.

53. **cut -d**  

    Explanation: Removes sections from each line of files.  

    Example: Running `cut -d':' -f1 /etc/passwd` retrieves the first field from each line in the `passwd` file.

54. **sort**  

    Explanation: Sorts lines of text files.  

    Example: Running `sort file.txt` sorts the contents of `file.txt` alphabetically.

55. **uniq**  

    Explanation: Filters out repeated lines in a file.  

    Example: Running `uniq file.txt` removes duplicate lines from `file.txt`.

56. **tr**  

    Explanation: Translates or deletes characters.  

    Example: Running `tr 'a' 'b' < input.txt` replaces all occurrences of `a` with `b` in `input.txt`.

57. **basename**  

    Explanation: Strips the directory and suffix from filenames.  

    Example: Running `basename /home/user/file.txt` returns `file.txt`.

58. **dirname**  

    Explanation: Extracts the directory path from a filename.  

    Example: Running `dirname /home/user/file.txt` returns `/home/user`.

59. **touch**  

    Explanation: Updates the access and modification times of a file.  

    Example: Running `touch file.txt` updates the timestamp of `file.txt` to the current time.

60. **split**  

    Explanation: Splits a file into pieces.  

    Example: Running `split -l 100 file.txt` splits `file.txt` into files with 100 lines each.

61. **tee**  

    Explanation: Reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files.  

    Example: Running `echo "Hello" | tee file.txt` outputs `Hello` to the terminal and writes it to `file.txt`.

62. **history -c**  

    Explanation: Clears the command history.  

    Example: Running `history -c` removes all entries from the history list.

63. **df -h**  

    Explanation: Displays disk usage in a human-readable format.  

    Example: Running `df -h` provides an overview of disk space for all filesystems.

64. **du -sh**  

    Explanation: Displays the disk usage of a directory in a human-readable format.  

    Example: Running `du -sh /path/to/directory` shows the total size of the specified directory.

65. **tar -czvf**  

    Explanation: Creates a compressed tarball (gzip).  

    Example: Running `tar -czvf archive.tar.gz directory/` creates a compressed archive of `directory`.

66. **tar -xzvf**  

    Explanation: Extracts a compressed tarball (gzip).  

    Example: Running `tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz` extracts the contents of the compressed archive.

67. **service**  

    Explanation: Controls system services.  

    Example: Running `service apache2 restart` restarts the Apache web server.

68. **systemctl**  

    Explanation: Manages system services and units.  

    Example: Running `systemctl status apache2` shows the status of the Apache web service.

69. **crontab -e**  

    Explanation: Edits the cron jobs for the current user.  

    Example: Running `crontab -e` opens the current user's cron jobs for editing.

70. **ssh**  

    Explanation: Connects to a remote machine securely.  

    Example: Running `ssh user@remote_host` establishes an SSH connection to `remote_host`.

71. **scp**  

    Explanation: Securely copies files between hosts.  

    Example: Running `scp file.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination` copies `file.txt` to the specified destination.

72. **rsync**  

    Explanation: Syncs files and directories between locations.  

    Example: Running `rsync -av source/ destination/` synchronizes files from `source` to `destination`.

73. **ping**  

    Explanation: Tests connectivity to a host.  

    Example: Running `ping` checks if the host is reachable.

74. **traceroute**  

    Explanation: Traces the route packets take to a network host.  

    Example: Running `traceroute` displays the path taken to reach Google.

75. **netstat**  

    Explanation: Displays network connections, routing tables, and interface statistics.  

    Example: Running `netstat -tuln` shows active listening ports and their associated protocols.

76. **curl -O**  

    Explanation: Downloads a file and saves it with the same name.  

    Example: Running `curl -O` downloads `file.txt` from the specified URL.

77. **wget -r**  

    Explanation: Recursively downloads files from a website.  

    Example: Running `wget -r` downloads the entire site.

78. **chmod +x**  

    Explanation: Grants execute permissions to a file.  

    Example: Running `chmod +x` makes `` executable.

79. **alias ll='ls -l'**  

    Explanation: Creates an alias `ll` for listing files in long format.  

    Example: Running `ll` would execute `ls -l`.

80. **lsblk**  

    Explanation: Lists block devices in the system.  

    Example: Running `lsblk` shows all attached storage devices and their partitions.

81. **mount**  

    Explanation: Mounts a filesystem or storage device.  

    Example: Running `mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt` mounts the device `/dev/sdb1` to the `/mnt` directory.

82. **umount**  

    Explanation: Unmounts a filesystem or storage device.  

    Example: Running `umount /mnt` unmounts the device mounted at `/mnt`.

83. **chattr**  

    Explanation: Changes file attributes on a Linux file system.  

    Example: Running `chattr +i file.txt` makes `file.txt` immutable (not deletable).

84. **dd**  

    Explanation: Converts and copies files, often used for disk imaging.  

    Example: Running `dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/image.img` creates an image of the `/dev/sda` disk.

85. **echo $PATH**  

    Explanation: Displays the current user's PATH variable.  

    Example: Running `echo $PATH` shows the directories where the shell looks for executables.

86. **source**  

    Explanation: Executes commands from a file in the current shell.  

    Example: Running `source ~/.bashrc` applies changes made to the `.bashrc` file.

87. **env**  

    Explanation: Displays the current environment variables.  

    Example: Running `env` shows all environment variables and their values.

88. **set**  

    Explanation: Sets shell options and variables.  

    Example: Running `set -o noclobber` prevents overwriting files with redirection.

89. **export**  

    Explanation: Sets environment variables for child processes.  

    Example: Running `export VAR=value` creates an environment variable `VAR`.

90. **echo $USER**  

    Explanation: Displays the current username.  

    Example: Running `echo $USER` shows the logged-in user's name.

91. **basename filename**  

    Explanation: Displays the base name of a file.  

    Example: Running `basename /home/user/file.txt` outputs `file.txt`.

92. **dirname filename**  

    Explanation: Displays the directory name of a file.  

    Example: Running `dirname /home/user/file.txt` outputs `/home/user`.

93. **ping -c**  

    Explanation: Sends a specified number of packets to a host.  

    Example: Running `ping -c 4` sends 4 packets to Google.

94. **scp -r**  

    Explanation: Securely copies directories recursively.  

    Example: Running `scp -r folder user@remote_host:/path` copies `folder` to the remote host.

95. **find / -name**  

    Explanation: Searches for files by name throughout the entire filesystem.  

    Example: Running `find / -name '*.txt'` finds all `.txt` files starting from the root directory.

96. **less**  

    Explanation: Views file contents page by page.  

    Example: Running `less file.txt` allows you to scroll through `file.txt`.

97. **more**  

    Explanation: Views file contents, similar to less but with limited scrolling.  

    Example: Running `more file.txt` displays `file.txt` one page at a time.

98. **tar -cvzf**  

    Explanation: Creates a compressed tarball (gzip) of a directory.  

    Example: Running `tar -cvzf archive.tar.gz directory/` creates a compressed archive.

99. **history | grep**  

    Explanation: Searches the command history for specific commands.  

    Example: Running `history | grep 'git'` finds all git commands in the history.

100. **free -h**  

    Explanation: Displays memory usage in a human-readable format.  

    Example: Running

 `free -h` shows the total, used, and free memory in the system.


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