Common Network Commands: IP R

IP R Command Overview

The `ip r` command is part of the `iproute2` package in Linux systems. It is used for displaying and manipulating the routing table, which determines how network packets are directed to their destinations. This command is vital for network configuration, management, and troubleshooting.

Origin and Development

The `iproute2` package was created to replace the older `net-tools` package, which included commands like `ifconfig` and `route`. The `ip` command provides a more unified interface for network management, supporting advanced features and modern networking protocols. It offers better capabilities for managing complex networking scenarios, making it a crucial tool for system and network administrators.

Basic Functionality

The `ip r` command serves several functions:

- Displays current routing table entries.

- Shows destination networks, gateways, and associated interfaces.

- Allows for the addition, deletion, and modification of routes.

Key Command Syntax

1. Display Routing Table:


   ip r


2. Add a Static Route:




3. Delete a Route:




4. Change a Route:


   ip route change DESTINATION/NETMASK via GATEWAY


5. Display Route Details:


   ip -details r


Example Usage

To execute the command, simply open a terminal and type:


ip r


Example Output

When you run `ip r`, the output might look something like this:


default via dev eth0 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src


Output Breakdown

1. Destination: The first column indicates the destination network or IP address.

2. Gateway: The `via` keyword specifies the gateway IP address used to reach the destination.

3. Interface: The `dev` keyword indicates the network interface (e.g., `eth0`).

4. Protocol: The `proto` keyword shows the routing protocol used (e.g., `kernel`, `static`).

5. Scope: The `scope` indicates the reachability of the destination (e.g., `link` means it's on the same local link).

6. Source: The `src` keyword specifies the source IP address to use when sending packets to the destination.

More Examples

1. Example with Multiple Routes:


   default via dev eth0 via dev eth0 dev eth1  proto static


2. Adding a Static Route:


   ip route add via dev eth0


3. Deleting a Route:


   ip route del


4. Changing a Route:


   ip route change via


5. Displaying Detailed Route Information:


   ip -details r


   The output will include additional metrics such as route priority, ref count, and more.

6. Displaying Routes for a Specific Interface:


   ip r show dev eth0


7. Finding the Route for a Specific Destination:


   ip r get


Usage Scenarios

1. Network Troubleshooting: Use `ip r` to verify routing paths and troubleshoot connectivity issues. If a device cannot be reached, checking the routing table can help identify missing or incorrect routes.

2. Identifying Network Configuration: Network administrators can use `ip r` to verify that routing configurations are correctly set up for their environment.

3. Monitoring Network Paths: Regularly checking the routing table can help network administrators monitor active routes and identify changes in network topology.

4. Configuring Static Routes: Network administrators can use `ip route add` or `ip route del` to manage static routes as needed.

5. Implementing Policy-Based Routing: Advanced users can utilize `ip r` to implement policy-based routing based on specific criteria, enabling fine-tuned control over network traffic.

6. Automating Network Scripts: Include `ip r` commands in shell scripts to automate the configuration and monitoring of routing tables.

Advanced Routing Features

1. Multiple Routing Tables: Linux allows the use of multiple routing tables. You can define different routing tables in the `/etc/iproute2/rt_tables` file and then use:


   ip route add ... table [table_name]


2. Route Metrics: Set metrics to influence route selection. Lower metrics are preferred:


   ip route add via dev eth0 metric 100


3. Routing Policy Database (RPDB): Use the `ip rule` command to manage routing policies based on criteria such as source IP, destination IP, and TOS.

The `ip r` command is a fundamental utility for managing and monitoring routing tables in Linux. By providing insights into the routes that network packets take, it is essential for troubleshooting and maintaining network connectivity. Its simplicity and versatility make it an invaluable tool for system administrators, network engineers, and anyone involved in network management.


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