Common Network Commands: Netstat

Netstat Command Overview

    Netstat (short for "network statistics") is a command-line tool available on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides comprehensive information about the network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships.

Key Features

1. Active Connections: Displays the current active connections to and from your computer, including the protocol (TCP or UDP), local and remote addresses, and the connection state.

2. Listening Ports: Shows which ports are actively listening for incoming connections, useful for identifying open ports and services running on the machine.

3. Routing Tables: Provides information on the routing paths that data packets take to reach a destination, including the destination network, gateway, and interface.

4. Network Interface Statistics: Displays statistics about the network interfaces, including the number of packets transmitted and received, errors, and collisions.

5. Multicast Memberships: Lists the multicast group memberships for the host.

Common Option

The netstat command has several options that allow you to customize its output. Below are some commonly used options:

-a: Displays all active connections and listening ports.

-t: Shows only TCP connections.

-u: Displays only UDP connections.

-n: Shows numerical addresses instead of resolving hostnames.

-p: Displays the process ID (PID) and name of the program to which each socket belongs (available on Unix/Linux).

-r: Displays the routing table.

-i: Shows a list of network interfaces and their statistics.

-s: Displays summary statistics for each protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.).

-c: Continuously displays updates every second (available on Linux).

Usage Examples

1. Display All Active Connections and Listening Ports:  

   netstat -a

2. Show TCP Connections Only:  

   netstat -t

3. Show UDP Connections Only:  

   netstat -u

4. Show Connections with Numerical Addresses:  

   netstat -n

5. Display the Routing Table:  

   netstat -r

6. Display Network Interface Statistics:  

   netstat -i

7. Show Summary Statistics for Each Protocol:  

   netstat -s

8. Show Active Connections with Process Information (Linux):  

   netstat -p

9. Continuously Update the Display:  

   netstat -c

Interpreting Output

The output of netstat can vary based on the options used, but here’s a general structure for TCP connections:


Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State  

TCP   0      0     ESTABLISHED  


- Proto: The protocol used (TCP/UDP).

- Recv-Q: The number of bytes received and not yet read.

- Send-Q: The number of bytes waiting to be sent.

- Local Address: The IP address and port number of the local machine.

- Foreign Address: The IP address and port number of the remote machine.

- State: The state of the connection (e.g., ESTABLISHED, LISTENING, TIME_WAIT).

Use Cases

1. Troubleshooting Network Issues: netstat can help diagnose network problems by revealing open connections, listening ports, and network interface statistics.

2. Security Auditing: By examining active connections and open ports, administrators can identify unauthorized access or services running on the system.

3. Performance Monitoring: Network performance can be assessed by reviewing interface statistics and connection states.

Netstat is a powerful tool for network diagnostics and monitoring. Understanding how to effectively use it can aid in troubleshooting connectivity issues, auditing network security, and managing system performance.


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